Sunday, September 25, 2005
Site - yet another issue
The west end of the Old International Fairground site has an old open-air theatre, something of a national treasure as Fairouz performed there several times, and the Nobles Palace restaurant. We need to negotiate whether these stay, or move, or are replaced, or go before we can pin down an exact site for the discovery centre. Now it transpires that our partners the Governorate have been pushing forward (or rather, now appear keen not to cancel as it might involve them in paying compemsation tothe contractor) with the development of a sports complex (for themselves) in the south-west corner as well. we have just got the plans sent over, and the footprint of this complex obviously does cut into the area we had provisionally marked out for the centre several months ago, but curously nothing has been said about it until now. As a result we have had to propose moving the centre towards the middle of the site by about 25 metres, and away from its alignment with the park's entry gate.
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